Brachychiton populeneum
Bottletree, located in front of Gammage where Apache meets Mill Avenue.
Cocculus laurifolium
Hindu laurel. Around the fountain on Cady Mall, and in the Social Sciences courtyard.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Red gum. Located on Tyler Mall by the southeast corner of Old Main.
Eucalyptus citriodora
Lemon-scented gum. Tyler Mall by Life Sciences A Wing.
Eucalyptus papuana
Ghost gum. Tyler Mall between Life Sciences A and C Wings.
Eucalyptus spathulata
Narrow-leaved gimlet. Cady Mall in front of Cowden Family Resources.
Eucalyptus torquata
Coral gum. Cady Mall in front of Cowden Family Resources.
Ficus benjamina
Weeping fig. Located in courtyard of Social Sciences.
Ficus elastica
Rubber plant. Located in front of Cowden Family Resources, and in the Social Sciences courtyard.
Ficus lyrata
Fiddleleaf fig. Located in front of Armstrong Hall on Orange Street.
Ficus nitida
Indian laurel fig. Farmer atrium, south side of Nursing.
Grevillea robusta
Silk oak. Located in grassy area by Gammage Parkway close to Forest Avenue.
Laurus nobilis
Sweet bay. Located in front of Matthews Center, and in front of the Student Health Center.
Ligustrum spp.
Privet. North side of Student Health Center, and south side of Engineering A Wing
.Myrtus cummunis
Common myrtle. Big tree area, north side of Moeur Building.
Olea europaea
European olive, located at west end of Moeur Building.
Quercus suber
Cork oak, located in Big Tree area in front of Old Main, and on Orange Mall in front of the Moeur Building.
Quercus virginiana 'Heritage'
Heritage live oak. Located at the southeast corner of the Archives Building
Rhus lancea
African sumac. Located on Cady Mall in front of the MU, and along Gammage walkway from corner of Forest Avenue and Gammage Parkway.
Schinus molle
California pepper tree. North of Lemon by Gammage Auditorium