AZ Arboretums

Agave schotti

Fremont cottonwood

Common: Schott century plant
Family: Agavaceae
Origin: Sonoran, Chihuahuan Deserts
Light: Full sun. Afternoon shade benefits color of plant in low desert.
Soil: Well drained soil
Water: Drought resistant. Benefits from extra irrigation in summer.

Use in xeriscaping and rock gardens. Goes well with wildflowers.

Grows 1-1/2 to 2 feet high and 1-1/2 to 2 feet wide. Succulent with unbranched flower stalk to nine feet.

Linear, frequently curved leaves grow up to 16" long in crowded basal rosette, and are dark green to yellowish green in color. Margins have fine, curved fibers. Leaves are spine tipped, and concave or flat on upper surface.

Waxy, light yellow flowers have six segments and long yellow stamens. They are 2-1/2 inches long and appear in a crowded narrow cluster to 40 inches long, followed by a woody fruit capsule.

This perennial plant resembles a yucca. Plants grow crowded together, forming large mats covering good sized areas.