Common: Fountain grass
Family: Poaceae (Gramineae)
Origin: Africa
Sunset Zone: Perennial in Zones 8-24; annual elsewhere
Light: Full to reflected sun
Soil: Any soil type
Water: Looks better with water every month or two during growing season.
Use in containers, in perennial or shrub borders, and as bank covers. Decorative, softens landscape.
Dense rounded clump with gracefully arching stems bearing furry plumes at the ends. To 4 ft. high.
3-4 ft. stems topped with fuzzy seed plumes. Graceful ornamental grass; narrow leaves.
Seed plumes 4-6 inches long, white or tinged pink or purple.
May be fire hazard in winter in mass plantings. Spreads and naturalizes where is it not wanted.
Seeds itself freely. Plant from divisions or containers any time of year. To preventing seeding in the garden, cut plumes before seeds mature.