Common: Desert Zinnia, Wild Zinnia, Spinyleaf Zinnia, White Zinnia
Family: Asteraceae
Origin/Range: Southwestern USA, northern Mexico
Light: Full sun
Hardy: In colder areas the flowers can occasionally be damaged by frost.
Water: Needs water to grow and bloom, but an occasional watering with a hose will do the job.
3’ x 2’ wide, (cutting propagated). Originally an Arizona native. Zauschneria puts on an extravagant display of red-orange flowers. It thrives planted in front of hot south and west facing walls and walks, in areas that might fry less heat loving plants.
Hummingbird Trumpet appreciates regular watering the first year or two, particularly during dry winters, to help get it well established.
The tubular, 1.5 inch (3.8 cm) long flowers have 4, notched lobes. The dark green leaves are linear to ovate and may have toothed edges. This native shrub grows in rocky canyons and blooms from summer to late fall. The flowers attract hummingbirds.