Common: Daylily
Family: Liliaceae
Sunset Zone: All zones
Light: Full sun or light shade in hottest areas
Soil: Adapt to any kind of soil
Water: Water thoroughly during bloom
Used in borders with iris and daisies. Can be massed on banks under high-branching deciduous trees, along driveways and roadsides. Group among evergreen shrubs or along streams.
Dwarf varieties can be planted in rock gardens, as edgings and as low ground covers.
Large clumps of arching leaves, flowers in open or branched clusters.
One of the gains in modern hybrids is the length of the growing season, as well as the larger choice of colors. Modern hybrids grow 1-6 ft. tall, with flowers 3-8 in. across.
Sword-shaped leaves, bright green. Lily-like flowers at ends of leafless stems standing well above the foliage. Much hybridized until there are thousands of named cultivars (the registered names exceed 30,000). Colors range from yellow to orange to pink to deep maroon red. Newer colors include lavender and purple. There are few plants that are more persistent, more pest free or tougher. Feed with complete fertilizer spring and midsummer, and divide crowded plants in early spring or late fall.