Common: Chaparral sage, Cleveland sage, Blue sage
Family: Labiatae
Origin: Scores of new species of Salvia have been introduced with selections from Mexico, South America, Eurasia and Africa, along with superior forms of our native western species such as the Salvia clevelandii.
Light: Enjoys full sun
Water: Takes aridity. Water once or twice during summer dormant season but water every week or two during winter and spring.
Good for Mediterranean climate gardens. Versatile and popular. In addition to colorful flowers and interesting foliage, one of the main benefits of growing sages is the hummingbirds they attract. It naturalizes the landscape and makes nice groundcover.
Handsome evergreen shrub grows in a rounded shape to a height and width of approximately 3 to 5 feet. Leaves are ashy green, approximately 1 inch long, and cover the entire plant.
Beautiful rose potpourri fragrance. Blooming season begins in May and June and continues for 3 to 4 weeks. Flowering spikes/stems are approximately one foot tall and have many whorls of violet-blue blooms. Stems are good choice in fresh floral arrangements, and will hold well if cut under water. Excellent for dried floral arrangements as well. Scent can be appreciated even when dried by simply touching the stems or lightly dampening them.