Common: Apache-plume, Ponil, Feather rose
Family: Rosaceae
Temperature: Very cold hardy, to at least 0 degrees F
Light: Prefers full sun, although in the hottest desert areas, afternoon shade is preferable.
Soil: Well drained
Water: In summer, particularly in the low desert, give extra water once or twice a month to encourage flowering and faster growth.
Native through southern Nevada, southern Utah, southern Colorado, southeastern California, much of Arizona, southern New Mexico, and western Texas.
In Mexico, occurs in Coahuila, Chihuahua and Durango.
Habitat includes roadsides, dry washes, dry hillsides, and chaparral, from 4,000 to 8,000 ft. elevation. An erosion deterrent along banks of washes.
Makes good background for other plants, particularly those with light coloring. Can be used for hedges or screening. Affords cover for wildlife.
Upright, multi-branched evergreen shrub to 6 feet high and four feet wide. Grayish green, slightly downy leaves, pinnately divided into 3 to 7 linear lobes. Flaky bark is grayish white. Pure white, five-petaled roselike flowers with yellow centers, up to 2 inches wide. Flowers are followed by clusters of pink or purple one inch long feathery seed tails form a fuzzy ball 2-1/2 inches in diameter.
Good browse for sheep, cattle, goats and deer. Native Americans used stems for arrowshafts. Only one species of Fallugia in Arizona. Showy fruit's resemblance to an Apache headress inspired the common name.
Spreads slowly by woody rhizomes. Pruning is generally not necessary, but can be made into a hedge.